
Scotch Jalapeño’s –Armadillo Eggs on the Good-One Smoker

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Scotch Jalapeño’s –Armadillo Eggs

Armadillio Eggs1


Preparation and ingredients  


Armadillio Eggs

Ingredients: (this list is for 2 pounds of sausage or 8 Armadillo Eggs)

1 lb. bulk breakfast sausage

1 lb. bulk Hot Italian sausage

8 Jalapenos (about thumb size)

½ Cup if Three Little Pig’s Championship Rub

Jalapeno Cream Cheese

Cheddar cheese, cut into ½ inch cubes


Directions:  Armadillo Eggs

Cut the stem or top off and slice the side open on your Jalapeno, clean the seeds out. (The seeds are what make a pepper hot) I used a Jalapeno pepper knife to clean the seeds out our peppers. Then, fill it with cream cheese, about a teaspoon. When the pepper is almost full of cream cheese, stuff the cube of Cheddar cheese in the middle. Set your peppers aside while you get your sausage mixed.

I found that the easiest way to mix the sausage is on a cutting board. Lay out the two pounds of sausage side by side and flatten out. Add the Three Little Pig’s Championship rub and mix everything together well.

We have found that a ½ cup measuring cup gives you about ¼ pound of sausage. So, spray a measuring cup lightly with any good cooking spray and use it to measure your sausage.

Take ¼ pound of sausage and flatten it out into a patty. Then, wrap it around your Jalapeno and shape it into an egg.  Wrap entire egg with bacon.

Have Smoker set to 250 degrees using lump charcoal and a couple pieces of wild cherrywood for smoke.  Smoke until the eggs reach 160 degrees.